Vernissage - sale of parquet chemicals and parquet

Vernissage - sale of parquet chemicals and parquet

The Vernissage company is engaged in the sale of parquet chemicals, parquet and all types of parquet work. Date of foundation - 1994 and over the years has become the most famous parquet company in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Our specialists will help you with laying the new parquet, as well as perform all related work. In addition, we can repair the existing coating by removing scratches, cracks and other defects from it, as well as eliminating squeaks and other unpleasant sounds. The list of our services includes the restoration of artistic parquet - mosaic, modular or palatial.
The main capabilities of the company:
- A wide range of parquet chemistry.
- Parquet and solid board from leading manufacturers.
- All types of parquet work.
- Related products necessary for any parquet floor.

* Text translated by google.translate

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