Julia Saltykova - painting by an artist to order in Moscow
Julia Saltykova - painting by an artist to order in Moscow
I offer the services of an artist. I draw pictures to order according to an agreed sketch from a photo or from nature. Any technique, size and genre. Deadlines. I have experience in wall painting. Technique: Oil, Tempera, Pencil.
Dont know what to present to a friend, girlfriend or loved one? Do you want to make an unforgettable gift for friends, family or a loved one, or just be closer to art?
You can order the authors oil painting in any genre and any size, as well as painting the walls. Drawing lessons are also presented for you and your children. During the lessons you will be able to learn: various drawing techniques; draw objects, landscape, people and animals; learn to distinguish between good and bad pictures; get a lot of fun and positive energy, as well as expand and improve your skills and abilities.
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